Classical Pilates

Teacher Training

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Are you looking for a career transforming lives and creating a lasting impact on the people around you?

Or perhaps you're passionate about Pilates and ready to take your own practice to the next level?

Our 3 programs have been designed to provide aspiring instructors and Classical enthusiasts with an immersive learning experience.

Choose from our Classical Curious program, where you can dip your toe into the Classical Pilates Method, or consider a professional option with our Classical Mat program or our full Classical Comprehensive option, enabling you to become a skilled and confident teacher of the Classical Pilates Method.

Choose your starting point

We offer 3 different pathways, from our ‘Classical Curious’ Short Program, our Classical Mat training, all the way to the career-changing Classical Comprehensive training. 


If you’re a Classical Pilates enthusiast or a Contemporary Pilates teacher keen to understand the Classical System, this is for you.



Our Classical Mat Program will train you how to teach dynamic and engaging Classical Pilates Mat classes

STARTS MAY 17th 2025


Our Classical Mat course is proudly recognised by the:

And AusActive:


Our full, comprehensive Program will train you to teach the full Classical Pilates repertoire on the apparatus and Mat in a studio setting.

What our students are saying…


I enjoy seeing the clients developing … and they start to get it and that joy that lights them up, I get a real kick out of that … You see them improving, feeling it in their bodies and feeling stronger and feeling better about life. It’s almost a high, I love that part of it
— Jane K.


What surprised me about the program was the depth, the elaborateness... It’s not only about an exercise, its the whole world behind that exercise and it’s not just about the anatomy and how the exercise works, but the philosophy behind it
— Iris S.


Donna Marie

That was the best thing about it... We have full access to Kim on an ongoing basis and Kim is always there when we need to ask’ve got that source for you at the studio and it’s comforting to know that that is there
— Donna Marie M
I loved the learning materials and continue to annotate them. So now when I learn new things I go to my learning materials... Often information that I think is new to me, I find that it’s already in there, it’s sort of an endless well
— Leila M

Get in touch.

Undertaking a Pilates training is a big commitment and we want to make sure you are fully prepared for the demands of the different programs on offer. To understand the various programs on offer and what each entails, make a time to chat with Kim by clicking on the link below.